Your auto insurance premium is determined by a combination of factors, including your driving history, the type of coverage you select, the make and model of your vehicle, your location, and even your credit score. Safer drivers with clean records typically pay lower premiums, while high-risk drivers may face higher rates. The specific details can vary between insurance companies, so it's essential to discuss your unique circumstances with one of our experienced agents to get an accurate quote tailored to your needs.
If you lend your car to someone and they have an accident, typically your auto insurance policy would be the primary coverage in most cases. Insurance typically follows the car, not the driver. So, your insurance would likely be responsible for covering the damages to your vehicle and any liability associated with the accident.However, it's essential to check your policy and consult with your insurance provider because coverage can vary. Some policies may exclude certain drivers or have restrictions on who can use your vehicle. Additionally, if the person borrowing your car has their own auto insurance, their policy might provide secondary coverage.